
The Art of the Knot: Windsor Knot
Steps on how to tie a WINDSOR KNOT

-The Instructions

1. Lift your collar and rest your tie on your neck with the thicker blade (A) on your dominant hand 1 foot longer than the slimmer blade (B).

2. Cross the A over the front of B.

3. Put A up and between the neck loop and pull down towards your non-dominant hand.

4. On you non dominant side, pull A around from the back and out towards your dominant hand once again, creating a loop. Tighten the loop.

5. Pull A behind B, where the knot is being created. Tighten  the loop created

6. Pull A over the tie hanging around the neck of your dominant-hand side, just above the knot.

7. Pull A away from the loop without twisting the blade.

8. Bring A around the front of the loops created

9. Bring A up and between

10.  Bring down A and push it through the front loop. Pull down while pulling on B. Tighten the knot while pinching the bottom part of the triangle. While doing this, push the knot up and pulling down B. To make a dimple, simply press your index down in the center of the tie hanging down as you pull down A and B.

11. Tuck B side in the loop behind A and drop your collar. Do any necessary adjusting


The History

The Windsor knot is popularized by the Duke of Windsor who was believed to have never used the Windsor knot. The Duke only used a four-in-hand knot but with thicker and wider cloth to emulate the Windsor knot. Contrary to popular belief, the Windsor knot was named after his grandfather, Edward the VII.

The Look

The Windsor knot is one of the most complicated knots to do. This knot projects confidence because of its bulbous, triangular and symmetrical shape. If done correctly, the lower end of the triangle should stick out away from the shirt.

The Usage

Today, the Windsor knot is one of the most commonly used knots and is quite exclusive with its use. The Windsor knot is used most for business, political and formal functions. Its confident look also makes it ideal for job interviews.

Ties with thick material are not ideal for the Windsor knot because you will end up with an excessively large knot. The Windsor knot is not ideal with vertically challenged individuals (short people for short) because the bulbous knot will be disproportionate with a short body. However, a short person can pull off the Windsor knot with a very slim tie. The Windsor knot is better suited with wide-collared or spread-collared shirts.

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